Life like a prata

Sunday morning, drizzling outside, still decided to do that 7KM, but then needed a solid reason to go out in the rain. As always started looking at the options on where I should finish at. Read till the end, my selection is at the bottom 😊.

Based on our personality, there are different ways one can handle the problems.

1- You are an open book and nothing to hide, you live problem free – Plain Prata

2- You hide your problems inside and show a happy face outside – Egg Prata

3- You let your problems get into your life, you mix problems and happiness together- Kothu Prata

4- You are not shy of exposing your problems and live a happy life around your problems – Prata Sarang Burung

Even if you don’t agree with my opinion, don’t miss trying this Roti Sarang Burung during this holiday season 😊

Sugath Rajaratnam
Sugath Rajaratnam
Articles: 12

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