A guided day by best in the world

Friday Oct 29, The alarm rang at 4:50AM. I need to get up and get ready to join Robin Sharma’s 5:00 AM club. I have a tight schedule this morning. Last night when I checked the sunrise in Singapore would be at 6:46AM and I need to be ready 1:36 minutes before that (5:10AM) during Brahma Muhurta to follow Sadhguru’s daily rituals. Robin Sharma is going to get only 20 minutes in the morning out of 20/20/20. I can only move but not reflect and grow, but that is okay. Later in the evening I have an appointment to sell my Ferrari at the local dealer and I can follow Robin Sharma again that time.

After 20 minutes of getting my heart pumping and blood moving, I realized I am already 10 minutes late for Sadguru. I ran in for a cold shower and I was thinking to myself, “Why is having cold shower at home so hard for me?” Showering by taking water from the well in Jaffna or showering in the outdoor tank in Matale was never hard. More than half of my life I never had access to hot water. I can’t go down memory lane now, it’s already late. I need to run and sit down and create time for myself. For the Next 60 minutes I sat down and started chanting Om, Om and followed the learnings from inner engineering.

Time is getting close to 6:00AM I am still running on an empty stomach. Time to drink the water which was soaked overnight with fennel seed and black cumin. Tony Robbins only wakes up at 7:00AM, so I have sometime before I take his Beck-concocted “Adrenal support cocktail”. After the cocktail started priming, I took time to adjust my thoughts and emotions so I can live my life in my peak state followed by 15 minutes of intense exercise using the torture machine invented by Tony. After that I ran down to the pool area for five minutes of sauna.

After adjusting my emotions and thoughts, now I am starting to feel hungry. Tony eats three free range eggs and organic coconut bread. Sadhguru takes neem and turmeric balls but I can’t follow either of them. I am on an intermittent fasting diet using 16:8. My last meal was dinner last night at 7:45PM and I had sushi, so I can eat only at 11:45AM today.

Time to login to the laptop, but I don’t care much because Mark Manson recently thought me the The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. He also told me everything is F*cked. I am not worrying too much. I know my life’s struggles often give it more meaning since I was born at a hospital down De Kretser Place Colombo 4.

I can’t blindly follow only Mark Manson, I still need to put food on the table. I need to finish many things today. It is confusing where to start and I suddenly remembered Stephen R. Covey’s third habit of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People®️. Yes, Habit 3: Put First Things First®️. Thank God his trade mark is registered. It helps to prioritize your work concept and helped me to organize my work. My friend told me if I am done with all 7 habits, I should learn the 8th one that was published recently.

I need to take a break, I remember listening to Vasantham’s VJ Mohammed Rafi telling the importance of drinking water, on TikTok. So I decided to go and take some water from the kitchen. Wifey is making cookies for Deepavali, she looked stressed because pineapple tart shape is not perfect. I wanted to tell her it is okay and it still tastes delicious. But I know it might backfire if I say that. I realized I need to find a better way to communicate with her. With that in mind, I told her remember what Oprah Winfrey said? “Trust that everything happens for a reason, even when we’re not wise enough to see it.” That statement did calm her down and I went back to work with cup of water and a pineapple tart which did not make it to the jar for distribution on Deepavali day.

Since the kitchen is occupied, I need go down to buy lunch. I took the lift down and before taking the normal exit to the road I remembered what Shiv Khera said in “You can win” – Winners dont do different things, they do things differently.” So I decided not to take the side exit from the condo but do something different and take the main exit from the condo to go and buy the chicken rice. I had another reason for that. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar told me during” The Art of Living” course, that I should greet ‘hello’ to strangers and smile at them and going via the main entrance will give me more chances for that.

Friday afternoon, not much going on I am yet to finish my planned work. It looks like everything is in a soup and only one person can help me with that and it is Jack Canfield with ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’. I think I am ready to finish my work because Jack Canfield also told me in the 2-day program after making me cry the whole two days, “If it ain’t fun don’t do it”.

It is already 6:00PM, after having a guided day, time to Find My Why using Simon Sinek’s proven process and get back to the real me. And that would changing into my walking clothes and walk 2KM to find my WH-iske-Y, which is at level 1 at The Seletar Mall. After achieving my goal of buying a Japanese origin this time, the shop lady decided to give me this cup as a free gift. Before I left the shop she said, “Sir, even if you drink water in this, no one will believe you. ”. That sounded like more real world quote than any of the above.

Sugath Rajaratnam
Sugath Rajaratnam
Articles: 12

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